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Samsung CS-29D8N TV, boot no, no "squeak" sound machine, the indicator light does not light the maintenance method

Time£º2014-08-16 09:31:12  Source£ºNetwork  Author£ºUnknown  Clicks£º1330

According to the report, a failure occurs at the beginning of irregular images flashing, then simply "nothing". Open the machine groups of switch power supply output voltage measurement all OV, while insurance tube in good condition, C806 (470 u / 470 v) on both ends of the voltage is 320 v. Doubt switching power supply IC (3 s1265r) is damaged, change new after the fault remains. Pipe welding operation Q401 (D5703) c, and light bulbs on the boot, bulb light, + B normal voltage (130 v), pipe breakdown. In 2 sd1886 replacement after boot, "" a start, at the same time heard a faint" goo goo "sound, pipe breakdown again in a twinkling of an eye. Doubt there is something wrong with the coil, measuring the resistance of normal 4 Ω, break with both hands move, this time with a multimeter to measure, resistance to 0.4 Ω. After careful observation, discover the deflection coil had slight spots in a trough, and adhesion together, as is shown above, it was burned in two copper wire insulating varnish shorting coil will be normal boot after the adhesion of the enameled wire.d45service manual download site